The Glitter Bitch Blog

A Little Smut Peddler Erotica: “Workaholic”
My erotica short story “Workaholic”, written for the Smut Peddlers erotica writing show in March 2022.
Gettin’ Sugar in Candyland: My Smut If…? Winning Fanfic!
I was the winner of the live portion of the Smut If…? erotic fanfic competition from Flying V and Plus2Comedy this week! Check out my winning entry, smutty Candyland fic.
10 Bold Body-Positive Actions for International No-Diet Day
May 6th is International No-Diet Day, so let’s talk about some ways to honor it that are genuinely body-positive, not food-centric, and that allies can do too.
I’m on my bullshit now for real, y’all.
I really needed to get some content going on this blog, but it’s late and I’ve been writing all day, so let’s see how this plays out, shall we?